The Parish Council

The Council have tax raising powers and sets the budget in November for collection with local Council Tax in the following April. The precept budgets for the current and previous years are shown in the Finance section of the Governance & Procedures page. The Council maintains a few lights at parish council tax payers expense. All other street lights are maintained by ERYC who also pays the energy costs.

The Council is responsible for the assets of the Village. Parish Councillors are the sole trustees of the Playing Fields and the Allotments and there are two representatives on the management committee of The Village Hall.  There are three main committees, the Planning Committee, the Environment Committee and the Playing Field Committee which carry out the regular management responsibilities on behalf of the Council and residents are welcome to attend committee meetings as well as full council meetings.

In accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 the accounting records for the last 5 financial years are available to view. Please visit the Governance and Procedures page.

Planning Committee
Environment Committee
Environment Committee
Playing Field
Playing Field Committee