The land making up Grange Lane and the Playing Fields was left in trust for the benefit of the inhabitants of North Ferriby in 1928. The Parish Council are the Trustees of the North Ferriby Playing Field Trust (registered Charity No. 523280), and the Playing Field Committee is responsible for the management of this facility.
The area has the following facilities:-
- Children’s play area
- Skate Park
- Playing Field regularly used for cricket and junior football
- Bowls Club
- Tennis Courts
- And a small car park
For details about the clubs which are based at the Playing Fields please go to Local Organisations page.
We meet regularly on the second Wednesday of each month and would welcome any suggestions you have about how we can improve or extend the facilities. Click here to see our meetings, agendas and minutes.
The following list of Councillors are members of the Playing Field Committee along with representation from the Ferriby Shed and the Cricket club:-
- Chairman : Cllr Mike Abraham
- Vice Chairman : Cllr Martyn Wood
- Cllr Phil Blogg
- Cllr Roy Holborn
- Cllr Jane Knight
- Cllr Muhammad Shaikh
- Cricket Club representative : D. Wyndham - Register of Interest
- Ferriby Shed representative : D. Morgan - Register of Interest