Images of the proposed Plot E development

Published: 23 June 2021

The Parish Council has commissioned several images of the proposed distribution and fulfilment centre based on the submitted planning documents by Wykeland.

These have been produced by a nationally respected landscape consultancy and we believe are more realistic than those produced by the developer showing on the ERYC planning website dated 5th March.

Aerial view of the proposal if built - also indicates viewpoint locations

Viewpoint 1   - Existing view from the Wolds Way finger post 

                          - Proposed facility from the Wolds Way finger post

Viewpoint 3   - Proposed facility from the edge of Long Plantation

Viewpoint 2   - Existing view from garden backing on to Long Plantation

                         -  Proposed facility superimposed onto view 

                         -  Expected future view from garden 


Google earth overview of site as now. 

Google earth overview with proposed site