New Housing proposed for Ferriby High Road

Published: 14 September 2023

New plans have been submitted on planning application 21/03132/STPLF. The Parish Council therefore invited Beal Homes to attend its August meeting of the Planning Committee to summarise the major changes. Many of the changes are due to the presence of curlews in the field and are still subject to ongoing debate with Natural England following extensive surveys of wintering birds. 25 acres of mitigation land are proposed by the developer.

The number of dwellings has been reduced from 119 to 115, but there has been an increase in larger family homes. The proposals will allow for the design of the dwellings to have a rural feel, rather being of a standard design.

The play area which had been proposed separate to the existing play park on the playing field has now been removed and the developer has agreed that assistance should be provided to enhance the existing play area and extend the car park.

Once approval has been received, Beal Homes envisages building 45-50 homes a year after a six-month lead-in period. The main spine road will eventually be adopted by East Riding of Yorkshire Council but the cul-de-sacs off will remain privately owned by the residents living therein.

Whilst the Parish Council welcomes some of the changes made in the new proposals, it has objected on several key issues, most notably what it considers to be an inappropriate housing mix, and the lack of market value bungalows which it wishes to see located to the north of the site for ease of access to local facilities. The PC is also insisting that there be an alternative pedestrian access/exit to the site to better integrate the development into the rest of the village. Discussion is ongoing about use of the proposed playing field extension for this. The PC has also requested that the existing 30mph speed limit be extended coming out of the village to cover the vehicular access/exit to the development. The Parish Council’s full response to the latest plans can be viewed at using the above reference number.